Wednesday 18 March 2020

Saint Patrick's Day 2020 - Lockdown style

 Dear all,

two days ago, 17th of March, Irish people celebrated Saint Patrick's Day!!! Though this year, they had to do it locked down in their homes due to... you know... that naughty-naughty-bug-that-does-not-deserve-a-crown-whatsoever.
So, Irish families decided to still host their own Saint Patrick's parades in their courtyards and living rooms, as you can see in the video below:

As I've told you at the beginning of the year, Ireland stole my heart;
I would have loved to be in class with you for this festivity Unfortunately, given the current circumstances it has been impossible. But, don't despair :) we can still get in a festive mood and"bain sult as"(enjoy, have fun - in Irish)

1. Check out the following vocabulary BEFORE watching the video:

patron saint = el santo patrono
worship = rezar, adorar
to kidnap = secuestrar
slave = esclavo
travel the length and breadth = everywhere
fields = campos
emerald-green = verde esmeralda

 2. Watch this animated video - The history of Saint Patrick


3. Play Kahoot to answer some questions AFTER watching the video
    Here's the link to my Kahoot:

4. If you have little brothers or sisters, have fun dancing with them the Leprechaun Dance:

5. and....last, but not the least...let me ask you a question? Do you, by the chance, have plenty of toilet paper rolls at home these days!?

If you do....why don't you try this very simple craft idea:

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