Monday 16 March 2020

Everything will be alright

 Everything will be alright.  I wonder how many times you have heard, read or repeated like a mantra this very simple - future simple - sentence during the last few days.
March 2020. Our big big world fell victim of a tiny tiny virus (no, I won't mention your name, and don't deserve a crown whatsoever!) and all of a sudden, we found ourselves locked down. At home. 
Out of the blue, your computer screen has become your classroom, your home has turned into your playground, your park, your sport center...who knows! What I'm pretty sure of is that you'll be missing your school routine at some point during this kind of forced "quarantine". Well, at least, my son does :)  
Therefore I decided to build this blog and I did so for 2 main reasons:
1. I miss being at work. I love languages -and being a Language Assistant -  and I can't help but reading about them, preparing some ideas, etc.
2. I think you need to keep up with our classes because, well... you need to stay home but that doesn't mean that you cannot stay tuned. If you do so...everything will be alright

Tip.: in each entry you will find some phrases or words that need further explanation, those phrases/words are underlined

1. all of a sudden = suddenly
2. locked down = made secure (a verb);  lockdown (noun: security measure)
3. out of the blue = unexpectedly 
4. quarantine = isolation (medical) 
5. to keep up with = stay informed
6. stay tuned= keep listening, watching, paying attention

Exercise n.1:
Which of the above mentioned expressions share a similar meaning?
You have 1 minute to answer
Click on the link below and start  ( know I love countdown timers!) 

Answer Key:
1.3. all of a sudden / out of the blue = in both cases, something/someone will definetely surprise you
2. 4 lockdown / quarantine, although the second one refers more specifically to medical reasons, in both cases, you are not allowed to go to the park, to the cinema, to school or wherever you want
5. 6. to keep up with and to stay tuned = in both cases, you won't miss a thing if you pay attention